Below is an amazing testimonial from our friend Janice @ Jersey Girl Health & Wealth. She was kind enough to share her experience with massage therapy post cancer.
"Breaking through the scar tissue has been my biggest issue. This restriction in my range of motion of my right shoulder has affected work and makes it hard to get back into yoga. I even struggle with putting on mascara. It’s the little things that are not appreciated. I try to massage the area and work through it, but it just feels like rocks under my skin."
"So…I met Troy from Kur Wellness Studios at a charity event for Mary’s Place. I immediately had to jump in and open my big mouth when I overheard him talking about an employee of his performing massage on a woman who had undergone a mastectomy. From my clinical knowledge, massage after mastectomy has to be performed by someone who reeeeeally knows what they are doing or they could not only hurt the person, but illicit lymphedema."
"Well, I’m here to tell you that Dave performs miracles."
"So, I stand corrected. You CAN have a massage after mastectomy. But again, you really have to work with someone who knows what they are doing. Beware of chain retail massage shops. Make sure someone is a licensed therapist – even better if they are trained in lymphedema management. "
Check out the full article and testimonial on her blog, here: